BNP Paribas 2023
Looks like we're all hungry for sushi, but no. We're marching towards our destiny, which maybe is sushi, but mostly it's a mission to define ourselves by the impact we make. Service for others. And maybe sushi along the way. Probably yes.
Indian Wells this year was an overall awesome experience. A blast among friends. Familiar faces. A festival for athletes. A success. A learning experience. Encouragement for the future. Confirmation that we're on the right path.
This trip was a big deal, but mostly it felt like we're on our way to do it bigger. Live Bigger.
The smiles we shared and fun we had with random people and tennis fans were some of the more fund moments. Official mascot of tennis.
A personal victory for Brando, initial founder, was being able to put his creativity to good use. There was no design school involved, but still a dabble. In other words a quirky Indian Wells Tennis Garden shirt that sold by this very major retailer in such a major venue.
Perserverance and time will lead to surprising results. Someone once said that.
There were multiple behind the scenes moments that made this trip magic.
Bounce Big. Live Bigger.